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Picture of Shane McMahon jumping off Hell in a Cell
Image Credit: WWE

Top 5 Shane McMahon Stunts That Made His Career

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Every pro wrestling locker room has a healthy mix of talents with different styles. There are the technical wrestlers, the high flyers, the powerhouses, the brawlers, the submission specialists, and then there are the daredevils. The daredevils perform death-defying stunts to give the audience their money’s worth. Many wrestlers have defined their careers with their daredevil style, and it won’t be an exaggeration to say Shane McMahon earned his way to the top tier of that list.

Whenever Vince McMahon wanted someone to jump off of tall structures, he took his phone and dialed his son Shane’s number. McMahon Jr has performed some of the most memorable and dangerous stunts in pro wrestling history, and with the rumors of his potential AEW debut, there’s no better time to take a look back at some of his iconic moments.

#5 Went Through Glass & Didn’t Cry A River – King Of The Ring 2001

The Street Fight between Shane McMahon and Kurt Angle at King of the Ring 2001 took an ugly turn after one of the spots didn’t go as planned.

The Olympic Gold Medalist was supposed to suplex McMahon through a plate glass window, which was part of the set. However, the glass didn’t shatter as it was supposed to when Angle performed the suplex on McMahon, which resulted in the superstars having to redo the spot, but the glass still didn’t break.

Angle successfully put Shane McMahon through the glass after multiple attempts, and the latter continued to hit his head on the concrete all the while.

#4 Hell In A Cell, The Devil’s Playground! Or Is It The Shane McMahon Playground?

WWE introduced the Hell in a Cell structure in 1997, with the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels being the first contestants. The original HIAC stood at 16ft until WWE changed it to 20ft in 2006, and guess which one Shane McMahon jumped off of?

He competed against The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell match at WrestleMania 32, with the stipulation that he’d gain control of Monday Night Raw if he became the second person to defeat The Deadman at WrestleMania.

Shane McMahon took extreme measures to ensure he came out on top by literally climbing to the top of the cage. He looked to perform a high-risk elbow drop from the top of the HIAC onto The Undertaker, who lay flat on the commentary desk.

However, The Deadman moved at the last second, which resulted in McMahon crashing into the table.

That should’ve been an eye-opener for McMahon to stop performing high-risk moves, but did he learn his lesson?

He tried to do the same to Kevin Owens at Hell in a Cell 2017 but ended up with the same result.

#3 How The Mighty Fall! – SummerSlam 2000

Shane McMahon defended the Hardcore Championship against Steve Blackman in a Hardcore Match at SummerSlam 2000.

Despite McMahon bringing in Test & Albert to assist him, Steve Blackman fought hard to overcome the odds. The two superstars took the action out of the ring and climbed a tall steel structure that was part of the set.

Blackman hit McMahon with a kendo stick three times and sent the latter crashing down from the tall structure to the floor. Blackman then performed an elbow drop on McMahon and picked up the win to become the new Hardcore Champion.

#2 The Iconic Shane McMahon Leap Of Faith – Backlash 2001

Falling from that steel structure must’ve given Shane McMahon some kind of an adrenaline rush, as the voices inside his head told him to do that again at Backlash 2001.

He competed against The Big Show in a Last Man Standing match at the event and had Test to help him against The World’s Largest Athlete.

The final moments of the match saw Test taking out The Big Show underneath the giant steel structure near the entrance stage. He held the giant down as McMahon climbed the structure and performed a colossal leap of faith onto The Big Show.

While Test helped McMahon to his feet, The Big Show couldn’t answer the ten count and lost the match.

#1 Another Leap Of Faith – Unforgiven 2003

Shane McMahon must’ve thought if it worked against The Big Show, it should work against Kane when he competed against the latter in a Last Man Standing Match at Unforgiven 2003.

Kane was on the warpath after having to unmask and looked to introduce McMahon to a world of hurt at the match.

The final moments saw McMahon climbing a 25ft structure that went above the titantron and performing a leap of faith onto Kane. But the Big Red Monster moved out of the way at the last second, resulting in McMahon crashing through the set and onto the floor. He couldn’t answer the referee’s ten count and Kane scored the victory.

NEXT: WWE Bash In Berlin: Full Match Card Predictions & Analysis

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